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Change management

Guidelines: Change request template


Complete the information in the white spaces.


Work sheet 1: List all the change requests

Number, description, status


Keep an index of all the change requests and the status of each one.


Work sheet 2: Change request



The name of the person making the request

Key objectives affected


Specifically mention which objectives in the project will be affected by the request.

Description of change request / recommended


Explain in more detail so that somebody who is unfamiliar with the project can understand what the change involves.



What benefits will the change request have for the project should the request be granted?

Effect on project schedule


Will the request have any effect on the target dates? If so, what effect?

Consequences if nothing is done


What impact will it have on the project if the request is not complied with?

Impact on project costs


What impact will the request have on the project budget and expenditure?

Resource implications


How will the request impact on the resources?

Impact on project restrictions


Does this request have any impact on the restrictions of the project?



Are there any high risks associated with the change?


Work sheet 3: Impact analysis

Specify clearly what the impact of the request will be on the highlighted areas.


Other documentation

More about change management

Guidelines: Change control

Template: Change request

Guidelines: Change request template

Process: Change control