Welcome to PROJEKtUS


PROJEKtUS is at the same time the name of:

A project management methodology unique to Stellenbosch University


(Project management applied at Stellenbosch University)

The project management support office at Stellenbosch University


(Project management + Centre of Excellence)

What this website offers...

The PROJEKtUS Office

What is a project?

What is project management?

What are the principles of project management?

What value does project management add?

Who are the role players in a project?

What does a project life cycle entail?

What is meant by project management processes?





PROJEKtUS focuses on achieving - by means of good planning - the following in projects and decision-making:

improving understanding of objectives,

reducing or eliminating uncertainties

identifying risks earlier so that preventative measures can be taken,

establishing standards as criteria for measuring progress, and

creating a structured basis for carrying out responsibilities and procedures for effective control.

This website:

Describes and discusses the project management methodology in detail, and

Provides access to the services of the PROJEKtUS office.

Copyright © 2005 Stellenbosch University