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Status and progress

Process: Handling decision logs

Within the context of the project


The PM, with the help of the PA, holds a record of all actions, decisions and notes identified outside the project specifications.


This is recorded in the team’s own decisions log.


If matters cannot be resolved within the team, indicate in the column Body whether this should be referred to the executive committee or steering committee.


The PA categorises the information in the decisions register according to the Body column.


The PA "hides" the rows not applicable to the executive committee or steering committee and sends the adjusted decisions log to the relevant body. Alternatively, the PA can delete irrelevant entries or only send the relevant entries to the body involved.


At the executive committee or steering committee


The administrator of the relevant body circulates the decisions log to all the members in advance.


The relevant body discusses the designated matters and gives their findings to the PM.


If matters have not been resolved, the Body column is adjusted in order to refer the matter to the next body.


The irrelevant rows are once again hided before the document is circulated.


The Projects' Board


Information / requests intended for the Projects' Board are sent to the PROJEKtUS Office. This is included in the agenda.


The Projects' Board makes the decision and informs the project manager accordingly.


The decision is indicated in the Projects' Board’s decision log.


Other documentation

Guidelines: Meetings

Template: Status report

Guidelines: Status report template

Process: Status reports

Template: Decisions log

Guidelines: Decisions log template

Process: Decisions log