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What are the principles of project management?



"Plan the work and work the plan"


Plan the work thoroughly by dividing the whole into manageable, logical units (components or objectives, deliverables and tasks).

Remember! The importance of the units is always subordinate to the importance of the whole.

Every element must be described clearly and precisely so that nothing is vague.

Set "SMART" objectives.

If the reality differs from the plan, adapt the plan!


Maintain a balance between scope, time and costs.


Do not focus on only one aspect to the exclusion of the others.

Know and understand the business priorities of your organisation! One of these three is always the most crucial one.

Determine in advance what will be lost if the project is not delivered.

Refer important decisions to management.

Manage scope creep.


Focus on problem solving.


Do not waste much time on how the problem has developed. Focus on the solution!

If you are accessible and positive, team members will develop the confidence to identify problems in time.


Project management is team-oriented with clearly defined roles and responsibilities.


Obtain the required skills in the team.

Personalities and styles of work play an important role in relation to teams. Keep this in mind when selecting team members.


Communicate, communicate, communicate!


Report the truth!


Project management is mainly concerned with problem solving. If you become aware of a problem in time, it can still be addressed.

Follow the links to...

What is a project?

What is project management?

What are the principles of project management?

What value does project management add?