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Risk management

Guidelines: Risks and issues log


Use the white areas to provide information.

Date put forward


Record the date on which it was identified.

R / I


Identify a risk with an R and an issue with an I.

Description of risk


Briefly describe the risk.



What action is envisaged to address the risk?
What progress has been made to date to address the risk?

Target date


Date planned to address this risk



Completed: no further risk for project
Active: risk still exists
Frozen: due to other factors, no immediate attention is given to the risk.



Assign a value of between 1 and 10 to the probability of the risk realising. See Guidelines: Risk control.



Assign a value of between 1 and 10 to the expected impact on the project should the risk realise. See Guidelines: Risk control.

Risk grading


Use the table to do risk grading. Indicate the grading in the correct column.

Prepared by


Record the name of the person who prepared the risk statement.

Acceptance records


The project manager and project owner must sign the log.

Additional documentation

Guidelines: Risk control

Template: Risks and issues log

Guidelines: Risk log template